Where Can I Serve?
Jesus told us, his disciples, to make disciples of all nations. There are numerous ways you can serve at Scalp Level Covenant Brethren Church. We welcome everyone to share their God given gifts and talents to better the work of His church and kingdom.
Take the time to greet and get to know fellow members of the congregation. Contact the church office to sign up to be a greeter.
Contact the church office or Adele Madera if you are interested in being a nursery aide during the Sunday School and worship hours.
Praise Team
Contact Chuck Madera at the church office if you have a musical ability and would like to be a part of leading Praise and Worship Music during our Sunday morning worship services.
Prayer Warriors
Prayer cannot be overestimated. Prayer moves the hand of God. Prayer lists for our congregational needs can be found in the foyer. We can also get you signed up on our One Call to receive prayer requests on your phone, text or email.
Thursday Night Fellowship & Bible Study
Men’s Bible Study & Saturday Breakfast
Every fall, Pastor Mark leads an 8 week Men’s Bible Study. Typically we have met on Tuesday nights. Also, throughout the year, the men of the church get together for Saturday Men’s breakfast which happens typically on the first Saturday of the month but sometimes this changes depending on the month. If you are interested in getting involved and growing in Christ with the men of our church, contact the church office and ask for Pastor Mark.
Worship Leader
Lead the congregation in the order of worship Sunday mornings. If you are interested contact Rose in the church office to sign up.
Hand bell Choir
The hand bell choir meets regular to practice and then plays during Sunday morning worship and other special events. Contact our church office if you are interested in being a part of this group.